Heian Shodan Kata



The Kata has 21 moves.

Heian Shodan originally the second of the five kata, this is now practiced as the first by most novice students in modern Shotokan Karate clubs. Heian Shodan is distinguished by its use of the down block, the upper block, the middle level stepping punch, the sword hand block, and the fact that every technique takes one step to complete.

The purpose of this kata is to teach the student basic stepping in a front stance and back stance, to teach the application of stepping punches following blocks which remove any obstructing limbs, and the use of blocking as attacking.

Heian Shodan is generally best introduced to students after they have completed a 2 month long sequence of training in the basic techniques. They should be familiar with the concepts of the individual hand and foot motions, the three basic stances, the basic kicking techniques, and the processes involved in advancing, retreating, and turning the body about in a stable fashion.

Generally students are passed on this kata on their first exam if they can remember and replicate the basic techniques with any accuracy at all. Some examiners even allow the candidate for 8th kyu to perform this kata to a count.


Begin the kata in Natural Position  with your hands relaxed at your sides in fists.

Look left before you do anything. As a general rule in every kata, look before you start to move in.

1. Downward Block in Front Stance - From natural stance just move the left leg to your left shoulder.

2. Stepping Punch - Step forward with the right foot into a front stance. Punch
middle level.

3. Down Block - Turn 180° to the rear looking over the right shoulder. Step the right foot back to the left without leaning forward, fold the arms for the downward block.

4. Vertical Bottom Fist Strike - From the down block position, raise the right fist overhead by passing it past the left ear and then over the crown of the head in a vertical fashion. As you pull back the fist, you should retract your front front foot half-way back to the left foot. Shuffle the foot back into place again.

While you strike downward to your own mouth height. You should finish with your elbow at a 90° angle.

5. Stepping Punch - Step forward with the left foot and punch middle level.

6. Turn and Down Block - Look left 90° and bring the left foot into the right as you fold for a down block. Step out to the left into a front stance with the left foot and down block strongly.

7. Upper Level Rising Blocks - Raise the left hand open in front of the forehead in the same shape as an upper level rising block. Keep the elbow at 90°. Step forward, and trade the hands, upper level rising blocking with the right hand in a fist synchronized with the turning of the hips to the side.

Open the right hand, and then step forward and block again with the left (8).

Repeat Again with another step on the right side (9) and let out a KIAI.

10. Down Block - Turn 270° counter-clockwise with the feet close together as above, and then step out with the left foot into a down block.

11. Stepping Punch - Step forward with the right foot and punch middle level with the hips square.

12. Down Block - Turn 180° to the right as before, and down block.

13. Stepping Punch - Step forward with the left foot into a front stance and punch middle level.

14. Down Block - Turn 90° to the left, as before, and down block.

15. Stepping punches - Step forward and punch middle level. Again and again for a total of three (16) (17).

The timing of these three techniques, and the three upper level rising blocks, can be either 1--2--3 or 1---2-3. It's your choice.

18. Turn and Sword Hand Block - Turn 270° as before with the feet close together. Step out into a left Back Stance and Sword Hand Block middle level with the left hand.

19. Sword Hand Block - Step forward and to the right 45° angle with the right foot. Pass the foot close to the left foot as you step. Block with the right hand.

20. Sword Hand Block - Turn 135 degrees to the right and sword hand block with the right hand again.

21. Sword Hand Block - Step with the left foot to the 45° angle to the left into another sword hand block. Perform as in 2 moves prior.

Finish - Stand back up into the natural stance.

Sensei Ylli - Karate instructor since 2000 to present practicing and teaching karate.


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