

Practice Intelligently The Students Guide. Since practice is to a great degree repetition, there may be a tendency to mindlessly repeat movements over and over and over. While this certainly helps, much better results are obtained if thought is constantly applied during practice. In the beginning, work slowly and concentrate on form. The quality of time spent is more important than the amount of time spent. If you practice 200 hundred kicks a break neck speed, you will only become very good at throwing a bad kick. There are two keys to intelligent practice and improvement in Karate-Do. These are visualization and repetition, which involve both mental and physical processes. Visualization:  While watching higher belts or black belts perform technique(s) (punches, kicks, combinations, or kata); visualize yourself as that person doing the movements. Use all of your senses to make this as real an experience as possible. Determine what muscles are used and in what o


Dojo Kun   Dojo Kun are certain precepts of all traditional Karate styles which are, in many cases, displayed in the dojo on a sign. These precepts are the code of the school – Dojo Kun. The true way of martial arts such as Karate-Do is summarized by the precepts of; Character, sincerity, effort, etiquette, and self-control. The Dojo Kun, which may be repeated either at the beginning of end of class, is as follows: Seek perfection of character. Be faithful Respect others. Refrain from violent behaviour. Although these precepts are repeated one after another they are equally important and should each be exemplified by the students of the dojo at all times. An Okinawan Karate master, Sakugawa Sensei (1733-1815) is often credited with the origin of the Dojo Kun. The following brief explanation may help you to develop your understanding of the ideas of each aspects of the Dojo Kun. Seek perfection of character The first, “seek perfection of cha


Students guide to what should DO...and not DO...for the period of three months in order to qualify for the grading at Shotokan Fitness Karate School. Created by the students.  Lili  1) I should make sure that I say USS and a gentle BOW to my sensei in and outside the Dojo, when I enter and leave the Dojo. 2) Train as hard as I can every class. 3) To make sure that if sensei asks me to improve something I should start improving right away.  4) To listen to the sensei at all times.  5) To make sure my techniques are sharp and clear.  Lili  3 thinks I shouldn't do before the grading.  1) I should not fiddle with my belt or hands while the sensei is taking, demonstration or explaining.  2) I should control myself not to feel sleepy, bored or wondering around during the class even if I feel tired. 3) I should not be talking to other karate student during the lesson. Alb