
black belt what it means and what it does

BLACK BELT: WHAT IT MEANS (AND WHAT IT DOESN’T) When someone finds out you study karate, one of the first questions they usually ask is  “are you a Black Belt?”  After all, the Black Belt is one of the best known parts of the martial arts, and people have all sorts of expectations about what it means. “Can you beat someone up?” “Can you ‘karate chop’ a brick in half?” “Wow, I’d better not mess with you” In addition to the awkwardness of conversations like these, they also show how little is understood about karate and its practitioners — and, sadly, that lack of understanding isn’t always limited to outsiders. How many of us have heard a fellow student ask (or maybe we’ve been guilty of this ourselves), when they can “get their next belt (or stripe)”?  How many times do students get frustrated if they’ve spent ‘too long’ at one belt rank, or place too much importance on that newly achieved rank?  How many times have you heard a Sensei remind students that their rank isn’t

10 attributes of a black belt

Sensei Ylli with Nathan 2020 10 ATTRIBUTES OF A BLACK BELT By Hockmansata In the beginning we may not be able to kick and punch like a black belt. This takes numerous years of hard work and dedication to your training. What we all can do though is start thinking and acting like a black belt from day one. This is our outline of our definition of what it is to live the life of a black belt. Integrity A black Belt does the right thing even when no one is looking. It’s easy to be good when people are watching; true integrity is doing your best at all times. We’ll never be perfect while we’re on this earth but that shouldn’t keep us from trying. Discipline A black Belt realizes that all things are possible through discipline, hard work and determination. The best discipline is not one brought forth by others but from one that is found within “Self discipline”. When a person truly has this their potential is limitless. Perseverance   A black Belt believes that they can overcome any o


Here is little bit about the Sensei and Senpai WHAT is a SENSEI? In your study of Karate, no one will be more important than your teacher, your sensei.  The word is made up of two ideograms, sen, which means “ahead” or “precede,” and sei, which means “life.”  Put together, they create a new word that means “one who is ahead of you in life.” Your sensei, your teacher, is your elder and is deserving of your respect. In Japan, teachers are considered to be more than just instructors of a particular subject. They are regarded as role models for their students in all aspects of life. Japanese teachers of math or social studies, for example, are expected not only to know about their subjects but also to lead exemplary personal lives, so that their students may look up to them. This is doubly true for a sensei of martial art such as Karate. You should respect your sensei and behave accordingly, listening carefully to his or her instructions and teachings. Your sensei is someone wh

Questions About Karate Classes

Question & Answers About Our Karate Classes GENERAL Q & A   What can I wear for my first trial class? You can attend in sports clothing.  Remember you are attending a Karate class and not running on the beach so dress appropriately Why pay for trial classes? We change to avoid overcrowding - wasting time - and at the same time we have to look after you like everyone else. However, having said this, there's a free class already included every week.   Also from experience we found out that people who are serious about taking up karate triel fees are not a problem  Can I book it in advance? Classes can only be booked for the week within for trial classes and for adults classes payg  If I can't make it? Can I use the fee for another time? The answer is no.  Because when you book, we will hold the space free just for you Can I book again?  Yes, anytime. Subject to availability  Can I come to watch the class? NO - for health and safety seasons and it's a waste

Personal view of Karate. By Alban (part 2)

 My Personal view of Karate December 5th 2021.  2nd Dan What has changed since last grading? Since my last grading, I have changed in many ways due to the new things I have learnt. But the most important thing of all, is that I feel as though I have grown closer to karate as a way of life. I have become much closer with the other students and sensei in the dojo. I don't feel as though I am mindlessly going through the day anymore, I feel as though the things I have learnt are useful in not just training, but also in life. What did I (you) learn during this time? During this time, I have learnt many kata's and have performed them well, but recently I believe I am able to see more of the practical side of training; the way I convey myself and the way I act with others have been modified slightly from my learning, this is because the understanding of my training has finally begun. I am starting to use the techniques and philosophy from each kata in my way of life. It is slowly cha

Important Self Defense To Remember

This article is about karate but not limited to. Check it out.   Important points to remember to better defend ourselves.  Do's and Don'ts 1.  Your best weapons are your judgment, reasoning, awareness of your surroundings, and your common sense. 2.   Always be aware of, and alert in your surroundings, particularly when you are at a disadvantage (unfamiliar neighbourhoods, strangers or even acquaintances, being alone anywhere).  3.   Do not get into situations or circumstances that are potentially dangerous or threatening to your well-being. 4.  If you can run or escape—do it! Avoid confrontation wherever possible—you might lose. 5.  Try to talk your way out of any confrontation if fleeing is not possible. Trying to talk your way out may stall your attacker long enough for you to get the advantage. 6.  If possible, do not let anyone get a hold of you. If it does happen, you must defend yourself immediately. 7.   Do not think about your defence too long – react, or it may be

Is Shotokan Karate good for self-defense?

The root of Shotokan Karate and the taught techniques suggest that you will learn to defend yourself effectively. But the application of a Karate technique under training conditions or competition is significantly different from the constraints of a self-defense situation. Shotokan Karate is sufficient for self-defense. Its training system teaches more as pure self-defense but requires a little more time until you can vigorously develop your full defensive skills.  However, to acquire self-defense, karate techniques must be learned.  It is not appropriate to rehearse a rich fund of methods or very flexible handling of case situations; it is more important to use the technique very strongly, keep the correct distance, and be targeted. You can use different bunkai, randori, and Kumite situations as self-defense exercises. What is Shotokan Karate? Shotokan Karate is an empty-handed martial art rooted in the fundamental techniques of punching, striking, kicking, and blocking. Yet, there is