

  WARNING SIGNS WHEN SEARCHING FOR A " Shotokan"   KARATE SCHOOL First of all let's start by saying that before you join any martial arts, you should do some research and understand why you or your child is taking up martial arts.  We will not cover this in this article. We rather have you doing the research and coming up with an understanding. We are mentioning this because it is a common mistake especially with parents for kids.  The belief is that knowing why you want your child to take up martial arts, could mean better understanding and development philosophically and mentally for the participant.  And perhaps, better understanding of the below info.  #1   They have a “special program” to earn your (grades) or a black belt in 1-2 years.  There is no such a thing in a genuine Karate Club. The minimum it takes to achieve the 1st Dan black belt  is 3 years and for Kyu, the grade is 3 months minimum.  Just like learning a musical instrument, proficiency in karate takes

Three Golden Words for Defending

The Three Golden Words f or proventing and defending ourselves. Is fair to say that we all have our own ideas for how best to defend ourselves.  Furthermore we all have some natural skill's to defend or to attack. But by practicing karate (martial arts) the aim is to learn new skills and enhance those that we have already. There are moments when we think that learning to and using force is the best answer.  Sadly! Sometimes this can be true.  But for the majority of times, this is not true and a different approach is needed.    In my experience, defending defending is not only based on how strong (although strength is an ingredient) we are, it is much more based on how smart we are and the way you combine the two together.  Through training and real life events, ( especially during the 13 years in the security industry)  I have come to understand that to defend requires more than just kicking, punching, being strong and brave. Let's just stop for a second a

Taikyoku Shodan

TAIKYOKU SHODAN Taikyoku Shodan (Kihon Kata) Kata History Taikyoku Shodan - first cause - is the first Kata all students learn. It contains just one stance, one block, and one attack, making it easy for beginners to assimilate. Yet the Kata is also known as the most difficult to master, for beneath the simplicity of it's movements lie the underlying principles of Karate-do.  The Embusen is a capital letter 'H'. The Moves. The Kata exercises the following moves and stances, in sequence, and takes around 26 seconds to complete at high speed: 1  gedan-barai – zenkutsu-dachi – gedan down block – from stance –low-level  2  oi-zuki – zenkutsu-dachi – chudan lunge punch – front stance – mid-level  3  gedan-barai – zenkutsu-dachi – gedan down block – front stance – low-level  4  oi-zuki – zenkutsu-dachi – chudan lunge punch – front stance – mid-level  5  gedan-barai – zenkutsu-dachi – gedan   down block – front stance – low-level  6  oi-zuki – zenkutsu-dachi – chudan  l

Kata Unsu - Shotokan - Karate

  UNSU! Unsu (or Unshu in Okinawan) is one of three Shotokan kata that can be traced back to Seisho Aragaki. Indeed, Unsu possesses certain techniques characteristic of an "Aragaki kata" such as teisho-awase-zuki   in  sanchin-dachi ,  the  tenchi   (heaven and earth) position , and kensei   (feinting). Translations of the term Unsu include "Cloud Hands," "Hands in the Clouds," and even "Parting the Clouds." The name of the kata implies that your hands are like clouds, ever changing and capable of discharging lethal force in the blink of an eye.  Unsu is another kata thought to have been derived from an Okinawan folk dance, perhaps paying homage to the gods Fujin (god of the wind) and Raijen (god of thunder and lightning). It has been said that the kata embodies a storm, with the kata's techniques symbolizing wind, lightning, tornadoes, etc. Another school of thought suggests that Unsu originated from one of the Shaolin forms based on t